
Feb 28, 2010

11.5% Adds Up After A While

While I'm waiting for VH1 to discover me as the next hottest clip-show commentator, I wait tables. Let's get something straight: I don't hate my job. I mean, I put up with a lot of b.s. from people who don't seem to understand that I wasn't hired by their mother to specifically cater to their every outlandish request, but I also brought home $300 for two days' work this weekend, so... It all washes out in the end.

The problem with food service is you have to watch people eat. You need a diet plan? Nothing will put you off your own lunch like witnessing a 75 year old man who was clearly never taught not to eat (or breathe for that matter) with his mouth open masticate a plate of over easy eggs. In a word, gross!

Not that it matters. Anyone in the restaurant business will tell you they've forgotten what a hot meal tastes like. I don't know what it is, but you could be sitting through the slowest lunch shift in the history of time, and as soon as you serve yourself up a cheesy, gooey, sausagey omelet everyone in town shows up at your door. By the time you manage to get back to it to steal a bite, your delicious meal is more an egg-colored Styrofoam pillow. Yet somehow I've managed to gain 10 pounds working that job.

Go figure. You just get used to cold food after a while.

The thing I hate most about my job (that I don't hate) is this notion the rest of the world has that I should hate my job. That it's beneath most people and that I should be somehow ashamed of what I do. Yeah, I'm crying all the way to Coach.


Suzanne Westover said...

I like the white background a lot. Your writing is really good, and against the white it shines! NICE.

Emma said...

Thanks! I think I might keep this one for a while.

Curvy Jones said...

Oh the visual. Egads.

Sarah Brown said...

Try eating with kindergarten kids---might even beat the old guy!=) Stopping by from SITS

Kitty Deschanel said...

Hey, a job is a job - nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever! :)

gv said...

I've heard that waitressing makes great money so you go enjoy that Coach store girl!!!

Amber Page Writes said...

And...I'm following now. One more dollar to spend at Coach (if you buy their shoes). Personally I'd rather have some cute sandals, but...

Christine Macdonald said...

I was a food server 'waitress goddess' I call it for years. I took on the gig while trying to quit stripping and eventually did it exclusively for a while. Some of the best friends I made (and still have) are from the restaurants. It takes a certain confident, kind of person to wait tables. I still mention it in every job interview. EVERYone should see the world through a servers tray. The world would be a kinder and more respectful place. Great post!