I’m as happy as happy can be!
Well, I’m as happy as happy can be, having completed her set of Pier One place settings.
We can now have two friends over for dinner, and have matching salad bowls, appetizer plates, dinner plates and coffee mugs to serve them with. That is, provided mom sends me the other two sets that are sitting in her storage facility in Jersey.
Aren’t they just adorable?
They’d discontinued the pattern on the big serving tray, and it was the last one in all of existence (I swear!) marked down to $26, so I picked that up as well.
Now we can eat our Domino’s pizzas in class, baby!
And now for the sentimental back-story…
My mom started buying me this set when I gave up on my treacherous party girl life and moved into a quiet little apartment by the shore. She provided me with a set of two, because she said that according to The Law Of Attraction, a single woman should always keep two of everything. It attracts to her home a romantic dinner for two.
So I sat in my quiet apartment eating Chinese take-out off of my adorable plates, wondering who was coming for dinner. I’d admire the quaint little rooftops and palm trees, imagining what a place like that would be like. I pictured myself walking hand-in-hand with someone in this neighborhood—exploring storefronts and kissing at the crosswalks. (I know. Stay with me. I’m getting to my point!)
Then Man came into my life and I wound up here in New Orleans.
As we were putting the new set away tonight I told him about the Law of Attraction thing and why my mom bought me two place settings.
Then I got online to send her a picture of something.
I found this photo I took of the French Quarter from atop the Sheraton downtown….
I was thinking something a little more tropical at the time, but… We’re only one climate up from rainforest, and we do have palm trees, so I’m callin’ it a win.
Okay, enough of the mush. Regularly scheduled snappy blogging resumes tomorrow!
I LOVVVEEEE this post! (I'm such a sappy romantic)
And I love that you and "man" settled (for now) in NOLA! The plates say it's destiny;)
Your found your plates in real life! How awesome!
How cool is that? And I love the plates!
Reminds me or those Corell plates. Or is it Coronette? Sh*t. I'm old.
Although for some reason the plate pics aren't showing up for me, I still love that love story. :)
That IS strange! Love it!
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