
Mar 24, 2010

It Is, As Some Admiral Once Said, A Trap.

Tsk tsk…

And here I thought the internet was chock full of nerds, gamers and sci-fi geeks such as myself.  Things have changed since the 90’s.  I remember a time when the interwebs were the province of the socially challenged Star Wars/Trek fanatic.  Now anyone with a wi-fi connection and an iphone can access our little corner of the universe.

Nowhere’s safe for us nerds, dorks, dillweeds, and geek-burgers anymore.


That was a photo of Admiral Ackbar, by the way.  He’s the guy in Star Wars who declares “It’s a trap!” .0005 seconds before Imperial Forces blew everything to Hell and back.  Thanks a bunch, Admiral Obvious.


  Now that you’re in the know, you should find this amusing…


Or maybe I really am just that big of a nerd…

Next “Wordless Wednesday” I’ll try to be less obscure.

Or maybe I’ll be even more so…. ;)

1 comment:

Chicken said...

Thanks to Old Akbar there as a child I never ate at the Catfish King down the street from my house. I just had visions of the catfish springing to life and yelling AHAHA IT'S A TRAP!