
Feb 19, 2010

Valentine's Day Redux

My back hurts.

I came home this afternoon and took a very necessary nap. I don't know who didn't get the memo that Mardi Gras is over (so GTFO!), but there's still a decent amount of tourists meandering around. Unfortunately, they tend to get hungry. As my luck would have it, these lost souls with their lack of social grace, basic manners as well as their belief that they are the only people in the restaurant (and possibly the world) find their way to me. Honestly, what is it about leaving one's zip code that causes one to forget how to function in a public place?

And while we're on the subject, what is it about leaving an 11.5% tip that says the waitress shouldn't chase you through the parking lot and kick you in the shins? Oh yeah, Lady. I did the math!

But I digress...

I came home and took a nap. I woke up with a painful spot in my spine as though someone had been repeatedly punching me right there for hours. Random pains in my back have been an ongoing problem for about two months now, exacerbated by this Mardi Gras crap. Who knew waiting on jerks and their hyperactive offspring was so hard on the body? I can't take it anymore. I need a chiropractor.


The other thing that sucked about this week is that Valentine's Day fell on the worst work-day I ever experienced in my life. (Crying out by the dumpsters, anyone?) By the time I got home I didn't want to do anything but sit quietly and wonder what I'd done with my life. I managed, however, to muster the energy to open the gift Man got me. (Nothing cheers a girl up like coming home to a beautiful string of pearls!) Most awesome gift and a shared bit of chocolate-explosion cake later, and we decided to reschedule Valentine's Day for this Monday night. Which gave me an idea...

A visit to a chiropractor, or a night at the Sheraton with a jacuzzi tub and a big squishy bed costs about the same, right?

Let's Man and I put my collection of 11% tips to good use.


SurferWife said...

oh girl. I remember the toll waiting tables took on my body! and yes, you def have permission to kick an 11.5% tipper in the shins.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Oh pearls are the best ever. I hope this week got better! There's always next week!

Leiah said...

11.5%? seriously? i've always said you have to figure a tip in when you're deciding where/if you should eat out. it's part of the deal. i'm chirophobic but lately have been thinking about looking in to it. enjoy you celebration!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Pearls?? He's a keeper!

We went out to dinner on Friday because I will NOT fight crowds on Vday. No way, no how. And I think you made the best choice with that measly tip!