
Nov 30, 2009

Happy Leftovers Week!

Happy Days After Thanksgiving... A magical time I like to call "Leftovers Week!"

Honestly, my eating habits have become monstrous this week-- as will my backside if I don't stop eating pie for breakfast.

And lunch...

And, of course, after dinner.

Fortunately I didn't use the pie as a midnight snack last night.  See, we put the Christmas tree up, and that was a fresh baked cookies occasion.

All I want for Christmas is a good plastic surgeon.

absolut vodka Pictures, Images and Photos

And now an "All The Cool Kids Were Doing It!" update...

Everywhere I went in the blogosphere I noticed these adorable signatures at the end of each entry. So I had to have one myself. Behold:

Chances are I'll change the font a hundred thousand times this week. I can never commit to things like this. Hence the constant changing of my blog background and layout.


Sandy said...

I am so glad that the pie is finally gone from my house! I love it, but it doesn't love me!

Stopping by to welcome you to SITS! It's great to have you in the SITStahood!

Unknown said...

I am so bummed about missing cookies and christmas tree night...the hubby was (and STILL IS) painting @ his dad's house...And I started job #2 last week. I actually ate like a piggy last week, but I guess getting a night job and running around like a crazy person does have its perks, according to the scale I lost 2 pounds since last Wed...Surely, the scale must be broken...